Reflecting on 2023

As the year came to a close, we spent some time as a lab reflecting on our accomplishments (and challenges) from the past year. We were fortunate to receive some grants and supplements to grants from the NIA and NIDCD to support new projects. Postdoc Kali Burke published a manuscript detailing our open source software for ABR wave analysis, our collaboration with the Fuchs lab demonstrating the first ever gene therapy to boost the protective medial olivocochlear efferent auditory system was published, and we contributed to several human temporal bone papers. Three more manuscripts are in review! The postdocs, undergrads, and med students have been super productive with data collection this year, so we’re working on several more. We also taught, mentored summer students, reviewed grants and papers, and worked out some new (for us) tissue processing protocols. One postdoc welcomed a baby into the world, and has had success in the job market. Oh, and Amanda received the OHNS Faculty Mentoring Award, which means so much coming from her colleagues.

There are probably some things we forgot to mention, and of course there were some disappointments (unfunded grants!), but we had a great year all in all. Amanda is so thankful to work with such a wonderful team of scientists from across the career spectrum. Happy New Year!